Thursday, April 1, 2010

Biggest Bar Night Of The Year, You Know?

...or so they say. I think it's a load of crap. Funny how every single long weekend throughout the year seems to be advertised as the biggest bar night of the year. That's just right syphed. Bar stars everywhere are being completely brainwashed long weekend after long weekend. Girls complain about their drinks getting drugged, meanwhile the bars are completely feeding them lies. Which is worse? I have not yet decided.

In an hour and a half from now I am expecting Jaybird and Scoots to show up here on their rides. ON their rides you may ask? Legit question. Obvious assumption would be that their rides are automobiles. False. They are bicycles my friends. And I am joining them in a bicycle ride downtown. I don't believe we know why, other than to spend good quality time with each other. I think it's because Bret and Jermaine from Flight Of The Conchords ride their bikes everywhere, and Jay may have a thing for them. Anyways, I'm thinkin' we may be joined by the likes of Ryan Malech, Rachel Wood and possibly a certain Vanessa Klassen. I can't wait. I have my spandex on already. Jokes!

I went to my parents house today and ate a bunch of my mom's "dainties". Church goer's, you know what I'm talking about. Anyways, as a bonus, she sent me home with a bunch of Chocolate Crinkle cookies. Oh Em Gee (standard MySpace banter). I ate all but four. I gave one to Ryan, and gave the other three to my bosses family. Gotta spread the wealth my friends, you know? You all keep that in mind.

Went out to Saffron's last night and sat on the patio for the first time this season. That lasted all of about 20 minutes, then we headed inside for a couple more brewsk's. Turns out the reasonably good looking blonde at the next table had a few too many drinks, and couldn't hold her head up. She ended up puking outside on the patio and inside underneath her chair. She was no longer reasonably good looking, but gross. She's probably one of the one's going out tonite for the "biggest bar night of the year", you know? Anyways, here's a picture from a few years ago of Devon pounding a blender full of all sorts of goodies for good measure. What's the relation to what I was just saying? He puked right after.

Kyle Bergen slept over the other night. I wonder if he know's I wanted him to sleep in the same bed as me? For old times sake. You know?

Anyways, I'd love to say I have more to write about but I don't. I've been sick the past couple days.

Actually hold that thought. What's up with some girls being complete liars? I'd be a little more understanding of someone lying about something they might actually get away with, you know? I mean, at least they've put in the effort, you know? But to lie about something that is so outrageous just angers me! Geezaloo! You know? What up with that.

Happy easter, I hope you have an eggcellent weekend.... you know?

1 comment:

  1. "You know?" he says! Oh my! p.s. I have a killer street bike, thanks for the invite... Nawt. p.p.s. That jersey needs to be swapped for a bud's ;)
